If you are using remote computers on a daily basis, you probably use rsync command for transfering data between the local machine and remote machines. And you may need to type remote directory every time you use rsync command, which is a small effort for a single case but it costs a lot if you do the smae thing many times. The script rsync_wrapper.py is a helper script to avoid typing remote directory every time you use rsync.

Before using rsync_wrapper.py

You can see at its github page how to use. But before using the script, I strongly recommend that you make the paths of working directories on the local machine and remote machines identical so that you don’t need to specify the corresponding directory on remote machines. For example, if the current working directory on the local machine is /Users/kobayashi/work/2020-04-01/ and the home directory is /Users/kobayashi/, the corresponding directory on remote machines should be ~/work/2020-04-01/.

Further tips

You can sync (upload/download) files and directories in the current working directory between the local and remote machines, by the following command:

$ /path/to/rsync_wrapper.py up -r remote

If you make an alias to /path/to/rsync_wrapper.py up as upsync, you can do the same by,

$ upsync -r remote

And from the second time, you can do by just

$ upsync

since the first run of rsync_wrapper.py will make a configuration file .sync in the directory and the script knows which remote host is used for the sync.

I think it is very helpful for some people, don’t you think?