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fitpot -- fit parameters of neural-network potential

The validity of MD simulations depends strongly on the accuracy of the interatomic potential used in the simulation. So, when you think of doing some simulation of specific system, you have to prepare an interatomic potential that reproduces the phenomena you are thinking of.

Here we indroduce how to make a neural-network potential and fit potential parameters with the fitpot program included in nap package.


Currently, the fitpot program is used only for neural-network potential. For other classical potentials, use optzer instead.

What does fitpot do?

In the fitpot, the following loss function is minimized by optimizing potential parameters \(\{ w \}\).

\[\mathcal{L}(\{w\}) = \frac{1}{\eta N_s}\sum_s^{N_s} \left[ \Delta E^2 +\sum_i^{N^s_\mathrm{a}}\left| \Delta \boldsymbol{F}_i\right|^2 +\left| \Delta \sigma \right|^2\right]\]

in the case of fitting energies and forces. Here, \(s\) is the sample number, \(N_s\) the number of samples, \(N^s_\mathrm{a}\) the number of atoms in the sample \(s\), \(\eta\) the parameter corresponding to how many properties are fitted (in this case \(\eta = 3\) because energy, force and stress are used.)

To minimize the above loss function, the following gradient-based methods are available in fitpot:

  • Steepest descent (SD)
  • Quasi-Newton method (BFGS)
  • Conjugate gradient (CG)
  • Stochastic gradient descent (SGD)


Since some modules in pmd program are required for the compilation of fitpot, compile pmd before compiling fitpot. :

$ cd /path/to/nap/
$ ./configure --prefix=$(pwd)
$ cd pmd
$ make pmd
$ cd ../fitpot/
$ make fitpot

Quick trial with an example

There is an example of fitpot with minimal dataset to see how it works. Go to the directory examples/fitpot_DNN_SiO/, read, try running fitpot, and look at some output files.

Fitting procedure

Hereafter, we assume that the reference data are obtained by using an ab-initio calculation program, VASP.

Potential parameters are fitted as the following procedure:

  1. vasp-data
  2. prepare-inputs
  3. exec-fitpot

Prepare reference data

Assuming that there are some reference data in dataset/ directory, and all the data are stored in the directories whose names start with smpl_.

The following files are required in eacy sample directory (smpl_*):

  • pos
  • erg.ref
  • frc.ref
  • strs.ref

pos is a pmd-format atom-configuration file, erg.erg contains a scalar value of energy of the system, frc.ref contains the number of atoms in the system and forces of all atoms shown as, :

0.1000   0.0000   0.0000
0.0000   0.1000   0.0000
0.0000  -0.1000   0.0000
-0.1000   0.0000   0.0000

In the case of extracting DFT data from ab-initio MD runs with VASP, positions, energy, forces and stress of each MD step can be obtained from vasprun.xml file as follows, :

$ python path/to/nap/nappy/vasp/ /path/to/dir/that/includes/vasprun.xml/

Change /path/to/dir/that/includes/vasprun.xml/ part according to your situation. Then you get the follwing files in the directory: pos, erg.ref, frc.ref and strs.ref. If you want to extract several sample data from one vasprun.xml which is the case for MD simulation or structure relaxation, add --sequence option to Then you get directories with names #### where # is some digit such as 00010, and the directories contain pos, erg.ref, frc.ref and strs.ref in them.

You may have to specify species order by --specorder=X,Y,Z or something like that.

For more detail, see the help by vasprun2fp -h.

Prepare input files

Inputs files needed for fitpot are the following:

  • in.fitpot
  • in.params.DNN -- see DNN force for details
  • in.params.desc -- see DNN force for details
  • in.params.Coulomb in each smpl_XXX directory in some special cases

You have to specify the num_samples in in.fitpot file which is the number of samples in dataset/ directory. The number of sample directories can be counted by the following command,

$ ls /path/to/dataset | grep smpl_ -c

Run fitpot program

In the directory where dataset/ directory and in.fitpot file exist, you can run the fitpot program as, :

$ ~/src/nap/fitpot/fitpot > out.fitpot 2>&1 &

Or if you want it to run in parallel mode, :

$ mpirun -np 10 ~/src/nap/fitpot/fitpot > out.fitpot 2>&1 &

There are some output files:

  • out.erg.trn.fin, out.erg.tst.fin -- These files include reference and pmd data of energies. To see whether the fitting went well or not, plot these data by using gnuplot as,

    $ gnuplot
    gnuplot> plot 'out.erg.trn.fin' us 1:2 w p t 'training set'
    gnuplot> rep 'out.erg.tst.fin' us 1:2 w p t 'test set'
  • out.frc.trn.fin, out.frc.tst.fin -- These files include reference and pmd data of forces.

Input file for fitpot

The following code shows an example of the input file in.fitpot.

num_samples       14
test_ratio        0.1
num_iteration     100
num_iter_eval     1

fitting_method    bfgs
sample_directory  "../dataset"
param_file        in.params.DNN
normalize_input   none

energy_match       T
force_match        T
stress_match       T
potential          DNN
max_num_neighbors  100

ftol              1.0e-5
xtol              1.0e-4

penalty           none
penalty_weight    1d-3

# Species order:  1) Al, 2) Mg, 3) Si
specorder    Al  Mg  Si


Default: none

Number of reference samples to be used for training and test.


Default: none

Path to the file that contains a list of samples to be used for training and test. The format of the list file should be like, :


or with specifying which samples are training (1) or test (2) as, :

smpl_001  1
smpl_002  2
smpl_003  1

If whether training or test is specified in the list, test_ratio will be neglected.


Default: 0.1

The ratio of test data set \(r\) within whole data set \(N\). Thus the number of test data set is \(rN\), and the number of training data set is \((1-r)N\).


Default: 1

Number of iterations of a minimization method.


Default: 1

Test data set will be evaluated every num_iter_eval iterations.


Default: test

The method used to fit parameters to the sample data. Available methods are the following:

  • sd/SD -- Steepest descent algorithm which requires gradient information.
  • cg/CG -- Conjugate gradient algorithm which requires gradient information.
  • bfgs/BFGS -- Quasi-Newton method with BFGS. This requires gradient information.
  • sgd/SGD -- Stochastic gradient descent method. This computes loss and gradient information using only batchsize_per_node samples at a time, and update parameters using the information, instead of computing all the samples each time for updating parameters. It is considered to be better in the case where there are many samples and optimizing parameters.
  • check_grad -- Comparison of analytical derivative and numerical derivative. Use this to check the implemented analytical gradient.
  • test/TEST -- Just calculate function L and gradient of L w.r.t. fitting parameters.


Default: dataset

The directory that includes sample data. We call this dataset in the above instruction.

If you want to use .. to specify the directory relative to the current working directory, e.g. ../dataset, you need to enclose with double-quotation marks like "../dataset".


Default: in.params.DNN

The name of the file that has parameter values in it. This is passed to pmd program.


Default: 1.0e-5

The tolerance of difference of the loss function value.


Default: 1.0e-4

The tolerance of the change of variables which are optimized. If either one of [ftol]{.title-ref} or [xtol]{.title-ref} is achieved, the optimization stops.

energy_match, force_match, stress_match

Default: True for energy, False for force and stress

Whether or not to match forces. ( True or False ) It is recommended to match not only energy but also forces, since forces are important for molecular dynamics.

potential or force_field

Default: DNN

The potential whose parameters you are going to fit. Potentials currently available are:

  • DNN -- Neural-network potential
  • linreg -- Linear regression potential


Default: 50

The maximum number of neighbors among all the samples. If you encountered an error like the following, increase this value.

   myid,nnl,nnmax =          0        73        72


Default: 12345d0

Initial random seed for the uniform random numbers used in the fitpot. This is used to change the random choice of training and test sets.


Whether or not regularize bases obtained in linreg and DNN potentials. ( True or False )

Default: False


Default: no

Type of penalty term, lasso which is L1-norm penalty or ridge which is L2-norm penalty, or no which means no penalty term.


Default: 1.0

The weight applied to the penalty term. This value also has to be determined through cross-validation scoring...


Default: 0

The number of samples whose errors are to be given. These errors appear at the denominators of energy and force in the evaluation function such that

\[\left( \frac{E^\mathrm{NN}-E^\mathrm{DFT}}{N_\mathrm{a}\varepsilon_\mathrm{e}}\right)^2 +\sum_i^{N_\mathrm{a}} \sum_\alpha^{xyz} \frac{1}{3N_\mathrm{a}}\left( \frac{F^\mathrm{NN}_{i\alpha} -F^\mathrm{DFT}_{i\alpha}}{\varepsilon_\mathrm{f}}\right)^2\]

If the difference between NN energy and DFT energy/force is lower than this value, this term becomes less than 1.0, which means the energy/force of the sample is thought to be converged. The initial values of the errors are 0.001 (eV/atom) and 0.1 (eV/Ang) for energy and force, respectively.

There must be the same number of following entry lines as the above value which determine the errors of energy and force of each sample like the this, :

sample_error   2
    Al_fcc    0.001  0.2  1.0
    Al_bcc    0.001  0.2  1.0

The each entry has entry_name, error of energy (eV/atom), error of forces (eV/Ang) and error of stresses (GPa). The error values are applied to all the samples that contain entry_name in their directory names.


relative or absolute

Default: relative

Which type of denominator of force term in the loss function is used. If absolute is specified, the fitpot uses an error of forces specified in the sample_error for the denominator of force term. If relative is specified, the fitpot uses a magnitude of force on the atom in the denominator of force term.


Default: none

The order of species common in fitpot. This must be specified before atom_energy entry and must hold for every samples.


Default: read

Whether the paramters to be optimized are read from the file or initialized.

  • read -- Read parameters from the file.
  • gaussian -- Parameters are initialized with Gaussian distribution according to init_params_sgm and init_params_mu.


Default: 1d0

Variance of Gaussian distribution of the initial values for parameters.


Default: 0d0

Mean value of Gaussian distribution of the initial values for parameters.


Default: 12345.0

Random seed for the initialization of parameters. This random seed is only used for this purpose and does not affect random seed for the choice of training and test sets, which is affected by random_seed.


Default: 0.001

Initial or constant learning rate used in SGD.


Default: -0.001

If this value is positive, the learning rate in SGD linearly changes as iteration goes. If this is negative, contant learning rate is used.


Default: 1

Number of samples per node in a batch process of evaluation of loss function. Thus if the fitpot is performed in parallel, the number of batch samples becomes multiplied by the number of parallel nodes.