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This package, nap , is an open source project. And you can modify and use for free of charge and by your own risk.

Usually users have to modify program source codes when they apply the MD program to specific subjects they are tackling. The source codes in this package contains a lot of lines, but the algorithms usesd in this package are mostly basic and users can easily understand most of these if they are familiar with the molecular dynamics.

Enjoy coding and your MD simulation ;)


For those who want to read and modify program sources, it would be helpful to show some details and formulas of what the pmd is doing in the program. Basically the pmd performs standard MD with the velocity Verlet algorithm, one should firstly understand the standard MD formulas using some standard textbooks1.

However, of course, there are a lot code-specific definitions to implement the standard MD. This section shows some of the code-specific definitions used in the pmd.

Simulation cell

The simulation cell consists of one scalar value, \(l\), and three vectors, \(\mathbf{a}, \mathbf{b}, \mathbf{c}\), and is shown in the atom-configuration file as, :

5.472                     <--- l
0.500    0.500   0.000    <--- ax, ay, az
0.500    0.000   0.500    <--- bx, by, bz
0.000    0.500   0.500    <--- cx, cy, cz

The cell information actually used in the code is the matrix, \(\mathbf{h}\), defined as,

\[\begin{aligned} \begin{equation} \mathbf{h} = l \times (\mathbf{a},\mathbf{b},\mathbf{c})= l \times \begin{pmatrix} a_x & b_x & c_x \\ a_y & b_y & c_y \\ a_z & b_z & c_z \end{pmatrix}. \end{equation} \end{aligned}\]


Atom positions, which are defined as ra(1:3,1:natm) in the code, are normalized within 0.0 and 1.0 during the MD simulation so that they become absolute positions after multiplying the cell matrix, \(\mathbf{h}\), as,

\[\begin{aligned} \begin{eqnarray*} \mathbf{r}' & = & \mathbf{h} \cdot \mathbf{r}, \\ & = & r_a\mathbf{a} +r_b\mathbf{b} +r_c\mathbf{c}, \end{eqnarray*} \end{aligned}\]

which is written in the Fortran code as follows,

xi(1:3)= h(1:3,1)*ra(1,i) +h(1:3,2)*ra(2,i) +h(1:3,3)*ra(3,i)


Atom velocities, va(1:3,1:natm), are also scaled by the cell matrix. However, not only that, but also scale by time, which means the velocities in the code have actually length scale but velocity scale. Thus, in the velocity Verlet algorithm, velocities are directly added to the positions without multiplying time interval, \(\Delta t\).


Atom accelerations, aa(1:3,1:natm), are also scaled by the cell matrix and are multplied by \(\Delta t^2\) so that they become the units of positions at the end of the force calculation subroutines. Thus, the accelerations as well can be directly added to the positions without multiplying \(\Delta t^2\) in the velocity Verlet loop.

Velocity Verlet

Basically MD with the velocity Verlet algorithm is very simple:

  1. Compute initial forces.
  2. Velocity Verlet loop starts.
    1. Update velocities using the current forces with a half of time interval, \(\Delta t/2\).
    2. Update positions using the current velocities with a time interval, \(\Delta t\).
    3. Compute forces from the current positions.
    4. Update velocities using the current forces with a half of time interval, \(\Delta t/2\).

This is written mathematically as,

\[\begin{aligned} \begin{eqnarray*} \mathbf{v}_i^{(n+1)} &=& \mathbf{v}_i^* +\frac{\mathbf{f}_i^{(n)}}{m_i} \frac{\Delta t}{2}, \\ \mathbf{r}_i^{(n+1)} &=& \mathbf{r}_i^{(n)} +\mathbf{v}_i^{(n+1)}\Delta t, \\ \text{Compute}\ &\ & \mathbf{f}_i^{(n+1)}\left(\left\{\mathbf{r}^{(n+1)}\right\}\right), \\ \mathbf{v}_i^* &=& \mathbf{v}_i^{(n+1)} +\frac{\mathbf{f}_i^{(n+1)}}{m_i} \frac{\Delta t}{2}, \end{eqnarray*} \end{aligned}\]

where subscript i is an atomic index and superscript n is an MD-step.

This is implemented in the code as,

call get_force(namax,natm,tag,ra,nnmax,aa,strs,h,hi
&     ,tcom,nb,nbmax,lsb,lsrc,myparity,nn,sv,rc,lspr
&     ,mpi_md_world,myid_md,epi,epot0,nismax,acon,avol
&     ,cforce)
do istp=1,nstp
   va(1:3,1:natm)=va(1:3,1:natm) +aa(1:3,1:natm)
   ra(1:3,1:natm)=ra(1:3,1:natm) +va(1:3,1:natm)
   call get_force(namax,natm,tag,ra,nnmax,aa,strs,h,hi
&         ,tcom,nb,nbmax,lsb,lsrc,myparity,nn,sv,rc,lspr
&         ,mpi_md_world,myid_md,epi,epot,nismax,acon,avol
&         ,cforce)
   va(1:3,1:natm)=va(1:3,1:natm) +aa(1:3,1:natm)

As you can see, the basic construction is very simple. However, the codes for miscellaneous stuff such as thermostat, isobaric, and parallelization hidden in the above code-block as ... are rather lengthy.

Berendsen barostat

Berendsen barostat is similar to Berendsen thermostat, which control the stress or temperature moderately to the target ones.

Force implementation

Implementation of the interatomic force and potential is the core of MD programming. And if you want to perform simulation that includes a combination of elements that is not implemented in the pmd, you have to implement the force calculation routine by yourself. Every force routine is defined in a separated module such as force_SW_Si.F90, which indicates the force routine of Stillinger-Weber type for Si system, and is called via get_force subroutine in force_common.F file. Thus you can write your own force routine by following get_force and force_SW_Si subroutines.

The force-type used for the simulation is determined by a variable, cforce, which is a character and specified in in.pmd file. The corresponding force routine is called according to the force-type name. Each force subroutine has to have the same arguments and order and should be provided using use in the beginning of the get_force routine.

ASE interface

There is a python script that connects pmd to ASE (atomistic simulation environment). This enable us small calculation of pmd much easier. The following code shows how to use nappy/interface/ase/ with ase program.

import os,sys
from import read
from nappy.interface.ase.pmdrun import PMD

os.system('cp /path/to/in.*.NN ./')
calc= PMD(label='pmd',command='/path/to/nap/pmd/pmd > out.pmd',force_type='NN')
print atoms.get_potential_energy()
print atoms.get_forces()

When atoms.get_potential_energy() is called, pmd program is performed background and ASE gets calculation results from out.pmd file.

Versioning and tagging

The nap uses Git for version controlling. Developers are recommended to make new branches to modify codes, and merge the change to the master branch. Tags are named like rev170605 which means the revision of the date 2017-06-05. If you need to make new tag at the same date, which would not happen often, you can name the tags like rev170605_1 or something like this by adding some suffix after an underscore.

Versioning in nap follows (not strictly) the semantic versioning. However, since API is not defined, the major version will never get one and the version will be like v0.x,x.

  1. Dann Frenkel and Berend Smit, Understanding Molecular Simulation, Academic Press