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Radial or angular distribution function (RDF, ADF)


RDF is commonly used to investigate structure of the system, e.g., solid vs liquid, or crystal vs amorphous.

To get the RDF,

python /path/to/nap/nappy/ [options] dump_0*

then, you get averaged RDF over atoms in out.rdf.

Given atom configuration files, dump_####, are read and average over atoms in those files are taken.

Options are shown below,

  -h, --help  Show this help message and exit.
  -d DR       Width of the bin. [default: 0.1]
  -r RMAX     Cutoff radius of radial distribution. [default: 5.0]
              Width of Gaussian smearing, zero means no smearing. [default: 0]
  -o OUT      Output file name. [default: out.rdf]
              Order of species separated by comma, like, --specorder=W,H. [default: None]
              Skip first NSKIP steps from the statistics. [default: 0]
              Not to take average over files.
              Not to normalize by the density.
  --plot      Plot figures. [default: False]

The RDF of each pair of species normalized with the density of the pair.



To get ADF, perform something like,

python /path/to/nap/nappy/ --triplets=La-F-F,Ba-F-F dump_0*

The triplets consisting angles must be provided via the option --triplets. Note that the 1st species in the triplet is the central atom having bonds to the other two atoms, which maybe counter-intuitive.


Here is some options of,

  -h, --help  Show this help message and exit.
  -w DEG      Width of the angular degree. [default: 1.0]
  -r RCUT     Cutoff radius of the bonding pair. [default: 3.0]
              Width of Gaussian smearing, zero means no smearing. [default: 0]
              Triplets whose angles are to be computed. Three species should be specified connected by hyphen,
              and separated by comma, e.g.) P-O-O,Li-O-O. [default: None]
  -o OUT      Output file name [default: out.adf]
              Skip first NSKIP steps from the statistics. [default: 0]
              Not to take average over files.
  --plot      Plot figures. [default: False]